The event dedicated to June 15 - National Liberation Day of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists (CYSS) was held at the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Ayten Bayramova, the chairman of the Institute's Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, who opened the event, spoke about the historical significance of the National Liberation Day. In the political and economic crisis of our country in the early 1990s, Great Leader Heydar Aliyev returned to power at the most difficult time of the republic at the request of the people. "The Great Leader Heydar Aliyev protected the independence of our country with his rescue mission, eliminated the raging socio-political crisis in the republic and laid the foundation for development. With this, the tension and conflict that lasted for many years in the country subsided, and our republic was saved from the civil war and the threat of disintegration", she said. 

She emphasized that the national leader achieved the restoration of public order in a short period of time, created great confidence in the future in people, and laid the foundation for the high economic development of our country. He said that Heydar Aliyev paid great attention to all areas of the country's life, including science.

Later, Farida Aliyeva, Deputy Chairperson of the Institute's Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, and members Susan Abdullayeva, Agil Ahmadli and Samirbayim Abdullayeva spoke and noted that the National Liberation Day has a special place among the national holidays of Azerbaijan, and emphasized that today's young people of our country have great responsibilities.

Finally, a video titled "Glorious Pages of History" dedicated to the National Liberation Day was shown.